
Hilary Duff's Video Of Her Water Birth With Baby Banks Is Beyond Amazing
She's maybe TV's most relatable star, and now she's decided to share something ultra personal about how her daughter came into the world, five months after the big day. And Hilary Duff's video of her water birth with baby Banks is beyond amazing — and shows her unique journey as a mom.
As Motherly reported, Duff posted a beautiful new Instagram video showing the minute right after Banks' birth, and it's a beautiful example of not just the expansion of a family but the journey of being a mom.
"I’ve been wondering for a long time if I would ever share this video as it is extremely personal.... it was so absolutely lovely and rewarding (and shocking) that after giving birth to my baby girl we hugged," she wrote on social media. "In my mind I like to believe that she was saying good job mom. Go team go. We did it. Together."
This is sooo sweet. But Banks — Duff's second baby and first with partner Matthew Koma, as Motherly noted — didn't just have a water birth by accident or impulse.
No, Duff spent time pondering the process of another baby from the vantage point of having more life and parenting experience, as UK's the Daily Mail reported that she explained on the Informed Pregnancy podcast last fall.
"My body gave me this incredible little boy and now I get to have this little girl and I want to experience it to the fullest," the star explained, according to the paper, in reference to older son Luca after she found out she was expecting a second child and first girl.
The newspaper noted that she mulled her options with Koma, who offered his full support in whatever birthing choice she ultimately made.
"I just started thinking that I wanted a different experience," Duff told Informed Pregnancy host and doula Elliot Berlin, according to Motherly.
"I'm older now. I love motherhood more than anything — I never thought I would be this way, I never thought I could be so happy and so fulfilled. It's not easy, because being a parent is not easy, but it's just a joy," Duff explained per Motherly as far as wanting to try something different than a standard hospital delivery such as she had with Luca.
Happily, Duff's new post shows the experience of having Banks at home was as special as the actress and star of TV Land'sYounger had hoped it would be.
As she posted, "Matt provided such a safe calm strength, my mommy and sissy were there to cheer me on, and of course my birth angels to make sure all was well and big brother (downstairs deep in legos). I cannot believe this day was only 5 months ago!!"
Thankfully, the birth went as well as the star could have hoped. "It was, like, five pushes," Duff told Berlin on his podcast about the actual birth, as People reported. The magazine added that despite some fears, the pain of natural childbirth with no drugs was not terrible.
Meanwhile, People noted, big brother-in-the-making Luca was playing Legos in another part of the house and not super interested in what was taking place!
Thankfully, Duff's Instagram fans were way more appreciative of the star's experience. "So beautiful and sweet!" one wrote in while another added, "[T]hx for sharing this private but spectacular video."
As Refinery29 added, Duff's interest in alternatives approaches to childbirth grew after watching the Ricki Lake documentary The Business of Being Born.
But keep in mind, she also had the support of a big home birth team that included two doulas and three midwives, Motherly noted.
While I had my three babies at the hospital, what I like about Duff's birth story is how she shares so positively with fans. She never seems to be showing off, or saying her way of doing things is the only way. She's a mom doing her best, and her special way of parenting her adorable family is going great.