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Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick's Coparenting Is The Definition Of Maturity

by Rachel Spalding

A couple whose marriage unraveled in front of the cameras might not seem like the winner of a "most down-to-earth" exes contest, but these two are refreshingly honest about the homework they've had to put in to handle the challenges of sharing a growing family of kids together even after their own partnership ended. Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick share the biggest challenges about coparenting their 3 kids... and I've never liked them better as a team than I do now.

As Us Weekly reported, the pair called it quits on their romantic relationship in 2015. But unlike some ex-couples, these two were smart enough to realize that they had something that would keep them forever tied to each other... three somethings, that is. (You'd think people know this when they divorce or formally split up, but often, it's a bit more complicated.)

Mason, 9, Penelope, 6, and Reign, 4 — the adorable kids Kardashian and Disick share — are the glue that has forced them to work their relationship out, the magazine noted, based on a new video released by Kardashian's website, Poosh in which the couple discuss their evolution as coparents.

"As my relationship with Scott has grown and changed over the years, the constant in our lives has always been our three beautiful kids," Kardashian wrote on her site as an intro to the Q&A she's posted with Disick about their post-romantic journey together.

"We get so many questions on how we’re able to make it work as co-parents and friends in this new chapter, and we wanted to share our journey with all of you ... How we learned to communicate and set boundaries, and how we make sure Mason, Penelope, and Reign have the right values."

The conversation that followed featured a ton of revelations about Lord Disick and his former lady, such as the fact that it wasn't always such smooth sailing as it appears to be now, as they sit calmly on a couch together in the video.

"I feel like a lot of people either look at us and say like, 'Wow, that's amazing that you guys are able to do do this together," Kourtney noted as the vlog's opener, adding that mom Kris pointed out how well everyone did on a joint vacation she took with Disick, girlfriend Sofia Richie and the kids, as People reported. (E! News noted that Kardashian was herself paired up with Younes Bendjima until summer.)

"I'd rather people look at us like we were crazy and we get to spend time together and raise our family together, than the other way around," Disick retorted. "I couldn't imagine raising three children with someone I couldn't speak to every day."

However, all of the peace the ex-duo are enjoying together nowadays took work, and the pair admitted they had to seek professional help to improve their relationship. "The hardest part was when we both started new relationships," Kardashian noted, as E! detailed.

"That caused fights between you and I about introducing the kids… We had to literally go to therapy to talk to even get through to be able to communicate together," she continued, as the site noted.

The pair also talked about their theories on parenting, which were stronger than you might think based on their early relationship.

"It took time to figure out how to embrace and how to show your kids how much you love them without overdoing it and spoiling and overindulging just because you love them ... I think we're just very fortunate ... and lucky we're able to give our kids so much," Disick noted in the video.

Kardashian noted proudly that the two, who worked out their parenting schedule without any attorneys, have a commitment to sharing a similar parenting style: "It helps when you do the same routines in both houses ... and try to keep the same rules."

As E! noted, both emphasized the importance of having shared values and similar schedules at both homes, so the kids have a sense of consistency.

"We just did it on our own and came up with our own schedule,” Kardashian said, according to Us Weekly, adding that their flexible agreement allows her to "just go there and see them if I want to or have dinner," if it happens to be Disick's turn with the kids.

Disick added that a sense of friendship between him and Kardashian is the key.

"What's mine is yours," Disick said, as per E! News. "I live for the kids so whatever works and makes it easier for them is what I'm into." Wow. These two and their attitude about coparenting is the definition of maturity. I hope all the two-parent households out there will give this interview a listen, because these two have become super-wise!