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Princess Charlotte Might Already Be Bilingual

by Rachel Spalding

She's devoted her princess-ing career to causes that involve children, and now, Kate Middleton has gotten to share her work with her own family. Yesterday, The Duchess of Cambridge unveiled an enchanting urban garden she helped custom-design for London's Chelsea Flower Show, and the response from the royal kids was gratifying and slightly international. Princess Charlotte's comment in this video with Prince Louis & Prince George is so... fantastique.

As Hello! magazine reported, Middleton took the fam to see the project she's been working on for six months, an urban garden that includes a treehouse, a swing and tons of natural delights for kids to interact with. And play the Windsor tots did — all three of them — with Kate bringing Prince William along to see the results of her collab with designers Andrée Davies and Adam White.

As England's Daily Mail added, the project, dubbed the "Back to Nature" garden, has been presented to the Queen ahead of its official public opening. The new play area dovetails with Middleton's passion for healthy living and early childhood education, but it was Princess Charlotte's response to the fabulous surroundings really gave fans pause for thought.

In a video seen on Twitter released by Britain's ITV showing the little princess and her brothers exploring the garden for the first time, Charlotte in particular stands out... for speaking, of all things, French.

Yes, as she is barefoot and jumping for joy between rocks, logs and plants — not to one-up the toddling cuteness of Prince Louis or the big-boy concentration of Prince George as he examines his natural surroundings — it's notable that Charlotte expresses her happiness in the foreign language.

"Oh la la!" she calls in glee.

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Okay, this is so darling! It also brings up a few questions. For one, does the junior royal actually speak the language of love? While it's certainly reasonable that she's just using a French expression that many English speakers have adopted, let's also remember that the royal nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, is a native of Palencia, Spain, as Town & Country magazine detailed.

Since many Europeans are multi-lingual, and Borrallo is already known to be bilingual (she's a graduate of England's Norland College, a prestigious, three-year training ground for upper-tier nannies, the mag detailed), it wouldn't be too far-fetched that Nanny Maria speaks to the kids in more than one language.

Especially since, as People reported, the royal kids already know some Spanish, thanks to Borrallo. Heck, for all we know, this brood could be getting regular language instruction already. They will, after all, be involved with world leaders from a variety of cultures in the far future.

While that is intriguing, what we do know for sure is that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have echoed their family friends, the Obamas, in stressing the importance of nutrition and exercise in the early years of childhood.

"The children played last night in a way I hadn't imagined," Middleton told a group of school kids touring the new reserve after her own family departed, as Hello! reported in a separate story.

"They were throwing stones. I hadn't actually thought that that was what they would be doing. They kicked their shoes off and wanted to paddle in the stream… using it in a way that I hadn't anticipated."

As E! News reported, Kensington Palace clarified that the new project goes along with Middleton's commitment to promoting the positive impact of the outdoors on children in particular. Which is totally cool.

But if Charlotte and her sibs can also take a break from playing for a baguette break, spoken in the native tongue of where that delicious treat originated, then I really, really want to know about it.