
Snooki’s Not Here For The Latest Wave Of Mom-Shaming To Come Her Way
Reality TV star Nicole Polizzi has been called a lot of things in her life, some terrible, some good. She's hardly a wilting flower when it comes to public criticism. Still, the Jersey Shore alum seemed genuinely surprised when she got slammed just for talking about things she's looking forward to now that her third baby's here. Snooki's postpatum workout plans are upsetting more than a few people on the internet, it turns out, but she's not here for it. She's not hiding the fact that she can't wait to hit the gym post-birth, and good for her.
Sometimes, I wonder if social media really is part of the greater good that is technology, or if it's the disgusting underbelly of an otherwise revolutionary technological advancement. Because for whatever reason, the minute you express even the tiniest, teeniest opinion, it seems to make other people want to do or say the opposite, and then pile on the criticism.
And yes, sure, it's bad for guys, too. But when it comes to being a mom, especially a high-profile one, you can count on someone, somewhere, taking offense.
Just take Snooki's case: The excited new mom, who just gave birth to Baby #3, Angelo James, with husband Jionni LaValle, as People confirmed, has just been doing the usual, posting her not-holding-back thoughts and feelings about having added onto the family. (Angelo, who weighed in at a nice 7 lbs., 8 oz., joins siblings Giovanna Marie, 4. 5 and Lorenzo Dominic, 6.5, the magazine added.)
“Jionni and I can’t wait to see how being outnumbered turns out!” the star told People, before turning to social media to post about her recovery.
"4 days postpartum & body is feeling good besides the fact that my cramps still feel like contractions! Still healing but can’t wait to jump back into the gym hardcore this summer! Time to be a fit mawma again for my nuggets 💪🏽," she wrote.
To which, naturally, some users just had to get into it. "...There’s women out here struggling months after to lose weight but you just HAVE to show everyone how thin you look already!" noted one would-be shamer, while another joined the brouhaha with, "Don’t you have a newborn at home???"
Luckily, a now-totally-mature Snooki was able to stand up for herself by posting an edited response: "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but don’t attack me for wanting to become strong and fit again after my pregnancy. My boobs are leaking and pulsating, my butthole is sore and my cramps are unbearable & I’m still wearing a diaper the size of Texas. Postpartum is a bitch. But I’m allowed to look on the bright side of things and want to get back into shape."
First of all, while I love the reply (and a lot of fans did, too), it does make you wonder why anyone would come at Snooki without expecting her signature sass in return?
Guys, this is Snooki we're talking about. She's not exactly a shy, retiring person. If you didn't want some of that East Coast vibe, and a posting that includes ample references to the infamous post-delivery diaper, why would you comment on her Instagram anyway? (If you want pomp and circumstance, try Queen Elizabeth's Twitter.)
(None of which means people should feel free to use her as their anger-management tool just because she has displayed colorful behavior onscreen — the star told Us Weekly that people online have called her kids ugly, or questioned her parental hygiene habits. That's just so mean.)
Even if Snooki's not your celebrity style, I just don't see the problem with a mom who wants to get strong and physically fit to run after her brood. Plus, can't you just see the opposite scenario evoking the same amount of shame? A new mom sitting around eating desserts, with some smart-aleck poster commenting that she should get the hell moving and exercise?
Yup, being a new mom is hard enough. You need support. That's why I like to scroll through all the latest IG pics from my favorite stars... and post absolutely nothing. No one asked for my take on their lives. But if Snooki ever does want to talk, I'll tell her the gym helped me recover after all three of my babies. And isn't feeling better what everyone wants and, more importantly, deserves after doing something as taxing as giving birth?!